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What Is The Audi Night Vision Assistant?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
January 22, 2015
audi night vision assistant

audi night vision assistant

The Audi night vision assistant is an option on higher-end Audi models that helps drivers see beyond the area illuminated by the vehicle's headlights. The system uses a thermal imaging camera mounted in the front grille to detect heat sources and displays the results in the Driver's Information System mounted between the speedometer and tachometer. When the system detects a person, it will highlight them with a yellow border. If the system detects that the person is in the vehicle's path, the highlight changes to red and an audible alert sounds. Vehicles equipped with a head-up display will also show a warning directly in the driver's field of vision. The night vision assistant or individual parts of the system, such as pedestrian highlighting and the audible alert, can be switched on or off as desired.


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