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Ten Best Auto-related Ads of Super Bowl XLII

Kicking off the funniest automotive ads of 2008

by Autobytel Staff
February 4, 2008
4 min. Reading Time

Super Bowl XLII was one of the best Super Bowls we can remember and it was nice to have a match that wasn’t outshined by the commercials. But we love those Super Sunday ads and many people tune in only because of the ads. Our favorites are the automotive-related ads, those that aired and those that were censored...sorry Danica, but we enjoyed both. So, if you missed the game, or just want to see them again, we’ve compiled the ten best car-lover ads for you here.

by Vernon Heywood

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Bridgestone is showing off the surefootedness of its tires by presenting ever scarier obstacles to a driver winding his way down a dark two-lane road. Among these road hazards are Alice Cooper with an albino snake and whiny workout wienie Richard Simmons. The commercial is great until the end where the ad completely misses its mark...or Richard... resulting in it being dropped from number one to ten.

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There was quite a to-do about the GoDaddy.com ad not being fit for the Fox audience, but having seen that ad and this one, we found this one far more disturbing. Battery cables just have no business being connected to some terminals. You have to check out the sound system on the tow truck, but if this guy ever shows up on a AAA service call, you might consider turning in your membership card.

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Here it is, the much ballyhooed Danica Patrick GoDaddy.com ad. A bit of a let down after all the hype. Double entendres are nothing new to advertising and even Bugs Bunny cartoons operate on levels for adults and kids, so what’s the harm in a furry, wood gnawing rodent? Well, advertising is about generating publicity for a product and the controversy probably generated more interest than the actual ad did. Kudos to Danica for having fun with it. Unfortunately we’ve been forbidden to take Ward and June Cleaver’s youngest son’s name in vain as well, so here’s the ad that tells you about “The Ad.”

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Yep, Bridgestone made it on the list twice, but we actually liked this one. Little hairy forest animals are always popular... or at least more so than hairy makeup-wearing-rock stars and exercise gurus. What makes this ad so good? You know you get a big ol’ grin on your face when you are in complete control of your vehicle but can still make your passenger scream like the woman in this spot, but what would you pay to get a horde of spectators to partake in that scream as well? And when those spectators are woodland creatures that cry of terror is all the funnier. You watch the video, I have a strong urge to take my wife for a ride. Meet you at number six afterward.

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I’m back from a quick ride around the block and making my wife hoarse from terror, and speaking of doing things you shouldn’t in a car we love the playful attitude of this Lexus GS ad with the pretentious Lexus spokesman’s voice stating how doughnuts, powerslides and j-turns are beneath the GS while clips of the sport sedan performing the afore mentioned maneuvers flash across the screen. The contrast between the announcers mock disdain and the actions of the automobile in question make us want to get behind the wheel of a GS ourselves.

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What was this ad for? Doesn’t matter, it features the ride-on toy most responsible for our first true need for speed—the Big Wheel. That three wheeled plastic chariot of the gods was the most prized possession of any future speed freak and watching a whole field of the plastic trikes being piloted to the finish by a bunch of adults makes us want to run out and buy our own and race it all over again. Good times. By the way, on the second viewing we realized the ad is for the Toyota Sequoia. Thanks for the trip down memory lane and a glimpse at possible future endeavors guys.

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There wouldn’t be a MyRide if it weren’t for that first MyWheel. Bud Light takes a look at that oh-so-important invention and gives it a humorous twist as early man tries to decide how best to use it. It puts a whole new take on tailgating. Thank goodness someone finally perfected the bottle opener, too.

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More cute furry animals—at least they are while they’re sleeping. This ad is an inventive test of the Toyota Corolla’s new quieter passenger cabin. We’re guessing the Corolla engineers are feeling a little left out of the Tundra torture tests and devised a test of their own highlighting one of the Corolla’s best features. It’s funny and gets the point across. In the mean, time we’re checking local ordinances to see if we can use cannons in all future vehicle reviews.


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