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Q&A with General Motors: What Now?

Seeking out what's the future holds from General Motors for the automotive consumer

by Autobytel Staff
June 10, 2009
4 min. Reading Time

What started to feel like the inevitable, finally happened: General Motors declared bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a severe situation with worrisome implications, but what does it really mean to you, the consumer? What if you are looking to buy a new GM vehicle, already own one, or are just trying to get financing on a current purchase? Do you have anything to be worried about? We sent your best questions to General Motors Spokesman Shad Balch, and here is a look at what he had to say. If you are interested in seeing a similar interview we did with Chrysler, make sure to check out: Q&A with Chrysler: What Now?

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GM: Your full warranty will be covered if you buy a new HUMMER, or any other GM vehicle - even during our restructuring process. And vehicle warranties will be covered for all brands, whether GM sells that particular brand or not.


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GM: Now is the best time to purchase a new Pontiac. You can be assured that all warranty, service, and parts will be available for all Pontiac vehicles. If your Pontiac dealer closes, dealerships that sell other GM brands, like Chevy, Buick, GMC, or Cadillac, will be able to provide service and maintenance on any Pontiac vehicle. The process will be seamless to Pontiac owners.

2009 Pontiac Solstice


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GM: Surprisingly, there have been quite a few positive headlines for GM over the past few days, even after we announced our restructuring plans on Monday, June 1. The headlines we like the most are the ones that talk about how GM's current product line-up is the best it has ever been - everything form fuel efficiency, to award-winning styling, to long-term quality and dependability. The media is taking notice! We also like reading about how the New GM is now positioned to emerge as a leaner, more efficient company.


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GM: Your ability to get vehicle financing won't be affected by GM's restructuring plans. In fact, GMAC is also receiving support from the Federal Government to make even more financing available for people to buy new GM vehicles. 2010 Cadillac CTS Wagon (Coming Summer 2009)


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GM: OnStar will continue to provide its valuable services to its customers - there will be no interruption, and GM's restructuring process won't impact your OnStar service.


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GM: Most people do not realize that GM has more vehicles that get 30 mpg or better than any other automaker. We also have more hybrid vehicles than anybody else. Since we've designated Chevrolet as our "green" brand, a good place to start looking for a fuel efficient vehicle is at Chevy.com/fuelsolutions. By the way, the new Chevy Camaro with the 305 hp V6 gets 29 mpg on the highway! 2010 Chevrolet Aveo


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GM: If a brand is sold or cancelled, your vehicle's warranty, service, and parts will remain. Dealerships that sell other GM products, like Chevy, Buick, GMC, and Cadillac, continue to provide regular maintenance to Oldsmobile products.   2010 Buick LaCrosse


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GM: The Volt remains on schedule! We see the Volt as one of the most important products currently in development. We can't stress strongly enough how real this vehicle is!   2010 Chevrolet Volt


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GM: In some cities and communities there are too many dealers selling the same brand of vehicle - this can sometimes cause 'competition' among dealers who should be focusing on providing the best customer service to you. With fewer locations, dealers will be able to focus solely on their customers.


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GM: The New GM is leaner and more efficient, focused on building only the best cars and trucks that consumers want to buy.

Chevrolet Beat Concept



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