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William Clay Ford Passes Away At Age 88

Former Vice Chairman of Ford Motor Company

William Maley
by William Maley
March 10, 2014

William Clay Ford, retired chairman of the Ford Motor Company and the remaining grandchild of Henry Ford, died this past Sunday morning at age 88 after a bout with pneumonia.

Ford became a member of the board in 1948 before becoming an employee a year later. Ford held many titles throughout his 57 year career at the company, such as executive chairman of the board and vice chairman. His longest post was chairman of the Design Committee, one he held for 32 years. In this position, Ford played a pivotal role in setting the company's design direction. One of the vehicles Ford oversaw was the Continental Mark II, considered one of the most iconic vehicles ever designed. Ford retired in 2005 and was named Director Emeritus of the company.

Ford also was the owner of Detroit Lions football team, which he purchased back in 1963.

"My father was a great business leader and humanitarian who dedicated his life to the company and the community. He also was a wonderful family man, a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him, yet he will continue to inspire us all," said William Clay Ford, Jr., executive chairman, Ford Motor Company.


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