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What Is The Toyota Collaborator?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
May 3, 2014

The Toyota Google+ Corolla Collaborator is an online car designer that uses Google+ to allow users to design and share versions of the 2014 Toyota Corolla with their friends and people in their circles. The system works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux and runs under a number of different web browsers. Like a normal car configuration tool you can select from different trim levels, change the exterior and interior colors, and customize which options are installed,however this system also supports cameras and microphones, allowing you to fully collaborate with others. Friends can comment on your selections as you go or even change the vehicle’s configuration on their own.

Unfortunately the way the Corolla’s configuration is setup leaves little room for customization. Simply changing an exterior or interior color may require changing the trim level and often precludes certain interior colors. Some engine, transmission and color options are simply not available together.

The Collaborator features both 2D and 3D view modes of the interior and exterior of the vehicle. The 2D mode allows you to spin the view around to a few preselected points, while the 3D mode allows you to view the car from almost any angle. Once you have finished designing your Toyota you can also view the car on a number of different backdrops or follow it on a virtual test drive. You can save the completed vehicle and share it with your friends to see what they think.

The Toyota Google+ Corolla Collaborator can be found at http://www.toyota.com/collaborator/.


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