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What Is The BMW Lane Departure Warning System?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
February 9, 2014

BMW's Lane Departure Warning system is designed to help the driver keep the car in their lane. Using a camera integrated into the car and mounted near the rear view mirror the system takes an image of up to 164 feet in front of the car. The system then detects lane markings and tracks their position. Once the system has detected lane markings and can issue warnings it indicates its status on the vehicle's Info Display. If the Lane Departure Warning system detects that the car is straying out of its lane it will vibrate the steering wheel, notifying the driver that steering correction is necessary. At higher speeds the system warns the driver earlier, providing adequate time for the driver to respond and stay in their lane. The Lane Departure Warning system is designed for use on highways and interstates at speeds above 43 mph. The system can be turned on or off using a button on the multifunction steering wheel and is automatically disabled at speeds below 40 mph in order to prevent unnecessary warnings.


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