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What Is Porsche Classic?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
March 22, 2014

Porsche Classic is a combination of parts and services offered by Porsche for cars that have been discontinued for 10 or more years, including the 356, 914, 959, and all air-cooled 911s. Porsche Classic does a wide range of work, ranging from full restoration, to accident repair, to routine maintenance. They can repaint your car to its original official Porsche color or recondition the engine, transmission, running gear, bodywork, and interior. Porsche Classic will restore the car exactly to its original delivery status, and will only perform modifications in exceptional cases, such as to add safety equipment like seat belts to a car not originally equipped with them.

Porsche Classic currently carries around 35,000 different genuine parts, made by the original manufacturer whenever possible, or a highly qualified alternative manufacturer if the original can no longer make the part. All genuine Porsche parts carry a 2 year warranty, while Porsche Classic work is covered by a 1 year warranty, and full documentation is provided. Coming in April 2014 are a new range of Porsche Classic motor oils, available in 20w50 for 356, 914, and 911 models up to the 2.7l G-Model, and 10w60 for 911 models equipped with 3.0l or larger flat-six engines.


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