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What Is OnStar With 4G LTE

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
August 5, 2014
2 min. Reading Time
onstar rear view mirror

onstar rear view mirror

The newest version of OnStar now features 4G LTE connectivity, allowing for much higher data speeds than the older versions. You still get all the OnStar features including emergency support, roadside assistance, diagnostics, security, navigation, hands-free calling, and also a wireless hotspot capable of supporting up to 7 devices.

When a crash is detected the system automatically opens a line between you and the OnStar Emergency Advisors. Sensors in the car detect the severity of the accident and automatically send this information as well as the car’s GPS co-ordinates to the advisors who use the information to get the proper first responders dispatched to your location as quickly as possible.

The system can also be used in other emergencies, for example if you witness a crash, see a fire, or think someone is in trouble, you can press the red emergency button. It can also be used if you spot a missing child or if you need Poison Control information. In a disaster subscribers get full access to all OnStar services, including Navigation and Hands-Free calling, helping you get through tornados, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, and wildfires. OnStar can contact emergency responders, navigate you out of harm’s way, find you a hotel, and connect you with your family and loved ones.

OnStar also includes roadside assistance in case you get a flat tire or run out of gas. Press the Roadside Assistance button and you can get an emergency tow, a flat tire change, a jump start, or fuel delivery. The OnStar system also automatically monitors the engine and transmission system, stability control system, air bag system, emissions system, brake system, tire pressure, and maintenance to help prevent these types of problems. If you lose your vehicle in a parking lot or garage, you can call an OnStar Advisor to activate Remote Horn and Lights to help you locate it. The system can also be used to unlock your doors if you lock your keys inside, without the need for a locksmith.

If your car is stolen, OnStar can be used to help locate and recover it. The GPS technology can be used to determine the location of the car and send it to the authorities, and the ignition can be remotely locked, so that the vehicle can’t be restarted once it is turned off. An OnStar Advisor can even work with the police to send a signal to the car that forces it to gradually slow down.

The Wi-Fi hotspot is active whenever your car is on, allowing passengers to check e-mail, stream movies, and play games, all while on the move. The hotspot provides a more powerful connection that a regular smartphone or mobile hotspot, and allows up to 7 mobile devices to connect to the Internet. The hotspot is powered by the vehicle’s electrical system, so a separate battery and charger are not required. With the OnStar RemoteLink mobile app (available on Android, BlackBerry, iOS, and Windows) you can view real-time diagnostic information, and even control certain vehicle features such as the door locks, lights, and horn.



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