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What Is NissanConnect?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
February 3, 2014

NissanConnect is smart technology that powers the infotainment systems found in many of Nissan's newer models. The system uses the vehicle's centrally mounted touchscreen display to sync apps, access and send text messages, and make hands-free calls. Using bluetooth you can stream music from your phone (a USB port is also included and supports iPod and compatible devices), and versions of the system with NissanConnect Apps also include support for a growing number of smartphone applications, including Facebook, Google Places, and Yelp. Vehicles with navigation assistance store map data on an SD-card, and you can use Google's Send-to-Car to send destinations from your computer or phone to the car's navigation system. The system receives real-time fuel, flight, and weather information to keep you up to date on driving conditions.


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