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What is Mercedes PARKTRONIC?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
January 26, 2014
mercedes parktronic

mercedes parktronic

Mercedes PARKTRONIC is a parking and maneuvering aid that uses ultrasonic signals to detect obstructions in the vehicle's path. When an obstacle is detected, the vehicle notifies the driver with an audible signal and series of lights that indicate approximately how far away the object is from the car. The system works at speeds of up to about 10 mph and so it can not only be used for parking but also when maneuvering in tight spaces.

PARKTRONIC including Parking Guidance is an updated version of the system that includes all the functions of the older systems but adds a few new features. When activated below speeds of about 22 mph, the system is able to scan for parking spots and then notify the driver using the instrument cluster display once a spot large enough is found. The system then displays the recommended steering wheel movements for the driver to make in order to get the car into the parking spot.


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