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What Is Mercedes DISTRONIC PLUS?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
January 11, 2014

Mercedes DISTRONIC PLUS is an autonomous cruise control system found on some Mercedes models. The system uses short-range wide-angle (up to an 80 degree angle from 8 inches to 100 feet) and long-range narrow-angle (up to 60 degrees at 200 feet and 18 degrees at 650 feet) radar sensors to scan the traffic ahead. When the car senses a slow vehicle ahead it will brake the vehicle automatically, and then accelerate back up to your preset speed again when traffic clears. DISTRONIC PLUS can bring the car to a complete stop if necessary. To get the car moving again after it comes to a stop the driver needs to tap the accelerator pedal or press the cruise control lever. If the car senses that it needs a harder application of the brakes than the system can provide by itself an intermittent warning tone will sound and a warning will be displayed in the instrument cluster.


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