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What Are Audi Ceramic Brakes?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
January 1, 2014

Audi ceramic brakes offer excellent stopping power and also have better fade resistance than traditional brakes, while weighing less. The brakes are made out of carbon fiber reinforced ceramic, a very strong, hard, and wear-resistant material. The discs are ventilated with a specially designed cooling channel and offer a much longer service life than steel brakes. The ceramic brake rotors won't rust, nor will they warp. They weigh approximately 45 pounds less than traditional systems, and should last up to 185,000 miles. They won't fade, even after repeated heavy stops on mountain roads. Like a normal braking system, braking efficacy will be reduced when the rotors and pads are wet, but the system should still brake as well or better than a car with a traditional system. When braking at slow speeds (around walking pace) the brake system may make some noise, this is a normal characteristic of ceramic brakes.


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