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Toyota i-ROAD and Lit Motors C-1: 2014 International CES

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
January 14, 2014
1 min. Reading Time

The Toyota i-ROAD and Lit Motors C-1 are small electric vehicles, about a quarter the size of a normal car, capable of carrying two people and a small amount of cargo. The Toyota is a three-wheeled vehicle that leans into corners, and is designed mainly for medium speed use, while the Lit Motors is a gyroscopically stabilized two wheeler designed for high speed use (both would probably be classified as motorcycles). The i-ROAD should be able to go up to 50 miles per charge, while the C-1 is expected to get up to 200 miles per charge.

Why the Toyota i-ROAD and Lit Motors C-1 are important:

As the number of people driving increases, the roads will become more and more crowded. Since many journeys are done with only one or two people in the car, if this type of smaller vehicle became popular and replaced some of the traditional automobiles there would be reduced traffic congestion, more available parking spots, and lower greenhouse emissions in many cities. Since they should be classified as motorcycles drivers will be able to lane split and use HOV lanes where laws allow.


What Autobytel thinks about the Toyota i-ROAD and Lit Motors C-1:

If these small vehicles are affordable and as practical and fun to drive as they look to be, we can't wait until they catch on. Because they are small they should be relatively lightweight and nimble, and the instant torque of electric motors should make them decently quick, all while being a bit safer than a motorcycle thanks to their enclosed design (and their third wheel or stabilizing gyros). More room on the roads and easier parking are just a bonus.



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