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Top 10 Towing Trucks of 2009

by Autotropolis Contributors
March 4, 2009

You've seen them before - the Ford Fusion pulling a boat, or the broken down Yugo towing a trailer that is twice as long as it is.  It's more than enough to make you turn and stare, wondering what those drivers might be thinking. Whether you need a truck for work, for play, for pulling that camper or trailer, the list we've compiled is the best of the best, enabling you to find the truck that you need to tow what you want, when you want and where you want.  You won't find any pathetic 1,000 or 2,000 pound towing capacities in this list!

No matter what you might be towing or hauling, all of these vehicles share certain qualities and characteristics.  One of the most important is towing capacity.  To be included in this list, each vehicle must have an inherent capacity, or be able to have a towing package added at a later time.  In addition, they must offer the utmost in performance and reliability, come with an excellent manufacturer's warranty and have operational costs that make owning these trucks cost effective. Of course, almost every truck on our list is available with dual rear wheels and/or with a high-performance diesel engine, providing you with the torque you need.

You'll find that our list is made up almost exclusively of powerful domestic options, but there are a few lighter trucks for those of you who need to pull the occasional Jet Ski or motorcycle.

All specifications used to compile this list are derived from the manufacturer, on a trim that compared favorably with others in the category, so that we could make the closest possible comparison.  You'll also find that our primary concern was towing/hauling capacity, but reliability came in a close second.  A truck that's broken down simply doesn't do you any good and does not let itself to being cost effective.  Performance was, of course, another huge factor, though we focused more on torque than speed.  Finally, warranty and operational costs factored into our decision, as well.

Each vehicle on this list has a wide range of available packages, from heavy-duty hitches to off-road capabilities and more.  Make sure that you stay within the towing guidelines found within your manufacturer's documentation or within your owner's manual.


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