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Top 10 Best Second Cars for 2009

by Autotropolis Contributors
March 4, 2009

It's not unusual for families to have more than one vehicle; in fact, some families have three or four vehicles, depending on their needs and the age of their children, as well as the number of adults in the household.  However, choosing those extra vehicles can be somewhat difficult; it involves a precarious balancing act, involving the right size, the right price and much more.  How do you find a second, third or fourth vehicle that offers the benefits you demand, without forcing you to take on another job?

You might need a second car for vacation purposes, for times when the entire family must travel together, for the daily commute or for any number of other needs.  Some secondary vehicles are "multi-use," in that more than one driver will use them from time to time.  As such, a second or third vehicle must satisfy the needs of many, while providing benefits to all.

A secondary vehicle must satisfy a wide range of needs, from cost effectiveness to reliability and performance.  It must also hold its value well.  These vehicles should have excellent safety ratings and related features, as well as being easy to drive.  Finally, the car must be affordable, with few monetary requirements of the owner, in order to meet the requirements to be a "second" vehicle.

Only 10 cars made it onto our list of quality secondary vehicles and each was chosen on a variety of criteria.  Among these were , , , , and . None of these vehicles falls into the category of luxury or performance, since they will be used only as secondary vehicles.  As such, you will find smaller vehicles, ideal for light tasks, economical vehicles that combine excellent affordability with longevity to ensure the best return on that investment. You'll find quite a few domestic vehicles on the list, as well as a few from foreign automakers.


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