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The Top 10 Expensive Cars of 2010

by Autotropolis Contributors
December 1, 2009

Expensive can be a relative term for many consumers. Some consumers find the prospect of paying $40k for a car daunting, while others don't flinch at a $100,000 price tag. You'll also find that "expensive" might indicate that a car is not intended for daily use, or that it is intended only for specialized use in certain areas. Our list is a bit different - you won't find any one trick ponies here. All the cars that made our top 10 list can be used as a daily driver, in any area of the country.

While you might not flinch at laying down more than $120,000 for your next ride, you certainly didn't gain that financial capacity by throwing away your money on useless junk. You made smart decisions, purchased items (and cars) that lasted and gave you the ability to maximize your investment. Therefore, every car on our lists provides you with the utmost in reliability and drivability, while still providing an amazing amount of luxury and refinement.

To create our top 10 list, we had to make some rather painful decisions. Cars that we thought should be included on the list based on price alone were cut when it was determined they were unreliable or unsuitable for everyday use. Every vehicle was scrutinized down to the nth degree. Our decision was based on several factors, including design, interior quality, exterior fit and finish, luxuriousness, performance, comfort, value, warranty coverage and cost of ownership.

  • Design & Style
  • Interior Quality & Comfort
  • Exterior Fit & Finish
  • Luxuriousness
  • Performance
  • Overall Value
  • Cost of Ownership

Note: Super-exotics and limited availability special editions were deliberately excluded from this lineup.


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