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Subaru Breaks A Guinness World Record

371 Subaru Vehicles Paraded Around Itasca, IL

William Maley
by William Maley
July 25, 2013

Last month, we told you that Subaru was planning to break a Guinness World Record by having the “Largest Parade of Subaru Cars.” Back in 2009, Subaru set the original record with 339 Subaru vehicles going around Itasca, Ill. The new attempt took place on July 13 at 9:00am, again in Itasca. Was Subaru able to break it? You bet - 371 Subaru vehicles officially participated.

The event also helped out two worthy organizations: PAWS Chicago and Salute, Inc. With each vehicle paying a $10 fee to participate, Subaru was able to raise $10,000 for the two groups.

“This year we had 371 Subaru vehicles and even more attendees join us on this special day. Attendees expressed that participating in a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ record was one of the items on their ‘life list' and they were thrilled to be able to check this item off of their lists. The best part of the event was being able to support the efforts of Salute, Inc. and PAWS Chicago,” said Tom Gehrke, regional manager for Subaru of America.


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