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Steve Arpin at the 2014 GRC Global RallyCross Media Day

Cherise Threewitt
by Cherise Threewitt
April 3, 2014

At the Red Bull Global RallyCross Media Day, Autobytel got a chance to talk to Steve Arpin, who drives a Ford Fiesta for the 2014 GRC season. Steve, a native of Ontario, Canada, started out racing go karts at age 10, but he was always interested in racing anything he could. He moved up to racing dirt modifieds and snowmobiles, which led to a lot of travel. All the experience was deliberate, though, because Steve’s main objective has been to succeed at a career in racing. Steve says all of his experience has been worthwhile, because even though the vehicles are different, racing different kinds of races and in different vehicles teaches drivers how to read the track conditions and the competition, and be able to react and understand the fastest way around the track, performing consistently fast and efficient laps. The Global RallyCross Challenge was a worthwhile move up from NASCAR for Steve, because it poses a fresh perspective on racing with a lot of possibilities. Steve believes rallycross is the most exciting form of motorsports out there, and says there’s nothing else he’d rather be doing. The GRC cars have mind-blowing acceleration, solid handling, and can handle any kind of course condition imaginable. And also, Steve says, the GRC fans love the noise. 


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