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MINI Is Readying A Record Breaking Parade

To Take Place Across Michigan's Mackinaw Bridge

William Maley
by William Maley
July 10, 2013

Back in 2009, the London & Surrey Mini Owners Club set a Guniness World Record of the largest gathering of MINIs when 1,450 MINIs were parked at the Crystal Palace park in London. MINI USA wants to see if they can beat that with the world's largest parade of MINIs.

The parade will take place on August 3rd and will feature a convoy of MINIs driving across the iconic Mackinaw Bridge in Northern Michigan. The parade will also include lunch, entertainment, and a fireworks show after the convoy makes the crossing.

“Our ‘NOT NORMAL’ brand campaign conveys MINI’s individual, high-energy attitude toward life and highlights MINI’s strong, independent character. This July we’re rolling out the second phase of our brand campaign in several bold and refreshing ways and MINI ON THE MACK is a perfect example of that philosophy,” said Tom Salkowsky, Department Head, MINI Marketing. “The Mackinaw Bridge was the world’s longest suspension bridge when it first opened in 1957, so it’s an historic and imposing location for attempting to set a new Guinness World Record.”

Interested in helping set a world record? You can learn more about the event and purchase tickets at minionthemack.com.


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