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Indiegogo Campaign Launches for Sbeza Vertigo Supercar

Company Hopes to Start Production in 2016

Charles Krome
by Charles Krome
March 26, 2014

For those interested in joining the likes of Horacio Pagani, Christian von Koenigsegg or John Hennessy as a founder of their very own supercar company, the team behind the Sbeza Vertigo wants to hear from you. Made up of eight enthusiasts from Czech Republic, the Sbeza group is looking to finance operations for an exclusive new sports car that offers exotic style and performance but with relatively down-to-earth pricing. And, because they want to avoid the hassles of attracting capital the old-fashioned way, Sbeza is turning to the magic of the Internet with a new fund-raising campaign at http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sbeza-vertigo.

The Indiegogo site, of course, is an online crowd-funding resource that connects entrepreneurs and potential investors while encouraging unconventional business approaches. For example, a $20 contribution for the Sbeza Vertigo campaign provides you with both a promised voice in the naming and design processes for the final car, as well as one full share in the company. Investing more money provides more perqs, which include receiving more shares at discounted rates.

Needless to say, many of the details surrounding the Sbeza Vertigo remain up in the air, but here are some factoids about the project:

  • Pricing for the Sbeza Vertigo is expected to start at about $135,000-$140,000, with hand production limited to approximately 600 units over three years.
  • All told, Sbeza hopes to raise $20 million for the project and claims that will cover up to the first production run for the Vertigo.
  • The exterior of the design is finished; Sbeza is currently working on the interior and production-intent components, and plans to complete a 1/4-scale model in April for aero testing.
  • Full-scale, pre-production models should be ready late in 2015 to help generate early orders for the car.
  • Production would then begin roughly a year later, around the fall of 2016.
  • Indiegogo shares, more accurately "participation certificates," will not be marketable for the company's first 10 years.

Now, just a reminder: Autobytel is Your Lifetime Auto Advisor, but that refers to buying cars, not car companies. Thus, nothing in this story should be considered a recommendation to contribute to funding for the Sbeza Vertigo.

On the other hand, if you need a $20 gift for your favorite gearhead, you could do worse.


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