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How to Install a Front-Facing Combination Car Seat

Joni Gray
by Joni Gray
August 25, 2014

We tapped the expertise of John Stubbs, a car seat safety expert who actually trains police officers, social workers and hospital employees, to learn how to install a front-facing comnbination car seat.

A combination seat combines a harnessed seat for kids over 2-years-old who weigh 22-65 lbs., then the harnesses can be removed to use as a booster seat for kids who weigh 30 - 100 lbs.

Stubbs highlights the importance of reading the car seat manual and lables as well as the car's manual regarding seat belt and LATCH usage. In some cases, the car manual does not designate a weight that the LATCH connector can hold and Stubbs maintains that, in those cases, it's safer to use the seat belt.


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