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How to Find Student Car Insurance

by Autobytel Staff
May 20, 2011

If you are a student or a parent searching for student car insurance, you are aware of the discouraging task of finding reasonably priced insurance.  The reason auto insurance companies can charge more for young drivers is because they are considered a higher liability.  Without the driving experience and training, young drivers are more likely to take risks while driving and are, unfortunately, known to have a higher accident rate.  Nevertheless, there are ways of finding deals for student auto insurance.  You will also find many helpful tools beneficial in keeping your student safe and raise their awareness of the risks in driving and expand their experience.  These tools not only help with safety, they can also assist in obtaining discounts to lower your premiums. 

Not all insurance companies are going to have the same discounts.  It would be in your best interest to locate a few auto insurance companies, get a student car insurance quote, and compare each quote their discounts.  You can find auto insurance companies who will give you a student car insurance quote in multiple ways.  Searching the Internet has become a quick and easy way to search for consumer products.  You can browse individual insurance companies or websites that offer quotes from various companies.  Also check with your current insurer, get references from friends, and/or contact local companies in your area through the phone book.  In your search, be sure to ask the insurance representative about what types of car insurance for students they offer, and if they give discounts of any kind before you go any further.  You don’t want your time wasted if they are not offering what you need.

Here’s a list of possible discounts you can look for and inquire about when getting student car insurance quotes.  Once you’ve familiarized yourself with all the options, you can make a better decision on which insurance company would work best for your student car insurance.

Common Discounts for Student Car Insurance:

  • Good academic standing
  • Good driving record
  • Driver safety courses
  • Alumni discounts

Other Types of Common Discounts:

  • Credit Union special rates
  • Multi-car insurance discount
  • Installation of anti-theft devices
  • Anti-Lock breaks
  • The vehicle to be insured is equipped with airbags or motorized seatbelts

Age, Experience, Alumni Association Discounts on Student Auto Insurance

Discounts given for student car insurance are commonly determined on a grade point average of 3.0 or grade level of “B” or better.   There are companies that give reductions to students that have had a good driving record.  So if you have a student that has been driving for a few years make sure to let the insurer know and find out what their policies are.  They usually require a ticket and accident free record for the last 3-5 years.   Also, if the student is affiliated with an alumni association, insurance companies will generally grant a 10% discount.

Defensive Driver Safety Courses & Discounts on Student Car Insurance

Contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles to find out what vehicle accident prevention courses they offer.  Insurance companies offer discounts to students who have successfully passed a “Defensive Driver Safety Course”.  This is a great tool to help your young driver learn safety precautions, learn to drive in various weather conditions, improve vehicle control, and get tips on hazard prevention.  You can also look online or ask an insurance representative if they can refer you to an agency that provides these courses.  But be sure to shop around for the best deal, as prices do vary.

Multi-Family Discounts Helping With Student Car Insurance

If you are a parent and have auto insurance, it is often cheaper to add your children on your insurance as opposed to them having insurance on their own.  It is however, a good idea to shop for insurance independently and compare those rates against the multi-family option to make sure you are getting the best rates.

Student Car Insurance Safety Tools and Tips

Some auto insurance companies offer fun and interactive games online to aid your student in becoming a safer driver.

The preceding example is one of number of questions that educate and engage young drivers on how to avoid distractions while driving.  There are also helpful tips to teach them about driving laws and rules. As an incentive some companies offer things such as music downloads and gift cards upon completion of these interactive games, making student car insurance more interactive and fun.

When getting a student car insurance quote, keep these discounts and tools in mind.  It’s nice to know that you have options that not only help to protect yourself or your child; you may have the ability to keep your student auto insurance costs down.


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