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Honda VCM - Variable Cylinder Management

Tuner Tom
by Tuner Tom
October 24, 2013

Variable Cylinder Management is Honda’s proprietary variable displacement technology that disables engine cylinders under certain driving conditions to save fuel and reduce vehicle emissions.

For example, when a VCM equipped Honda Pilot is cruising under highway driving conditions, the technology deactivates the three rear cylinders, which results in less fuel consumption. Drivers can enjoy full V6 power for passing, hill climbing, or merging, but also get increase fuel economy while cruising as consistent speeds. As an added benefit, this also decreases emissions. The VCM system is transparent to the driver so a dash light informs the driver when the system is active.

Variable displacement technology was first developed in the early 1980s, but technical difficulties in making the system reliable kept the technology off the market until recently. Today, a wide variety of vehicles utilizes this technology to save fuel and reduce emissions.


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