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Getting Geeked about the 2013 GMC Terrain

Connectivity Advisors Now Standing By

Charles Krome
by Charles Krome
March 12, 2013

At this stage in the game, the fact that the 2013 GMC Terrain offers an innovative IntelliLink connectivity system isn’t exactly news; after all, nearly every automaker in the U.S. now provides high-tech solutions for staying connected while on the go. But what sets the Professional Grade crew apart from many of its competitors is that the brand is backing up this technology with its own "geek squad"—and will be doubling the size of its tech team for the new selling season.

Now 50 strong, GMC’s Connected Customer Specialists were drafted from the nation’s “leading computer and communications companies” to help owners of the 2013 GMC Terrain become more comfortable with their IntelliLink systems. And each member of the team can play on both sides of the ball, too, by providing their assistance both at the dealership and in the driveway.

As explained by one such specialist, Adam Luebbers: “The Terrain’s IntelliLink is already a very intuitive interface. What I like to do is help owners make the most of it to meet their needs and interests. For example, if they love Pandora we’ll show them how to move that on-screen icon to a prominent location.

“I also like to point out fun short-cuts. Most users don’t know that instead of browsing into the phone menu, an owner can just say ‘Connect’ with voice command and IntelliLink will start pairing a Bluetooth phone. They’re always amazed by how quick and easy the system is to use.”

GMC’s IntelliLink system—serving up Bluetooth audio streamlining, a standard Pandora interface, and voice control of audio functions and more—is available in the 2013 GMC Terrain and 2013 GMC Acadia. The technology also is scheduled to premiere in the all-new 2014 GMC Sierra when it launches this summer.


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