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Ford Readies 2015 Mustang for Empire State Building Observation Deck

Stunt Will Mark 50th Anniversary of Original Ascent

William Maley
by William Maley
March 25, 2014

Fifty years ago, a Ford Mustang convertible prototype was placed on the observation deck of the eighty-sixth floor of the Empire State Building. Ford is planning to repeat that impressive feat next month with the 2015 Mustang convertible.

“New York is one of the greatest cities in the world, and it’s the place where the Ford Mustang story began 50 years ago. We’re thrilled to be visiting the architectural landmark that has been the heart of the Manhattan skyline for 83 years with the newest generation of the car that is the soul of Ford Motor Company,” said Mark Fields, Ford's chief operating officer.

There's one problem with trying to get the Mustang onto the Empire State Building's observation deck: transport. How do you actually get it up there? When Ford faced this hurdle back in 1965, they couldn't use a crane because, at the time, there wasn't one tall enough. Helicopters, too, were out of the question due to the building's spire and narrow deck making it a dangerous proposition. Ford was left with one option: the elevator. To accomplish this, engineers had to strategically dismantle the Mustang and reassemble it at the top. 

Ford will be using that same plan of attack with the 2015 Mustang convertible. “Like all good craftsmen, our team is measuring twice and cutting once to make sure we can get this Mustang up in the elevators. Like the team that did this in 1965, the current crew visited the Empire State Building before starting and took careful measurements of its new elevators and doors before cutting up the car,” said Dave Pericak, chief engineer on the Mustang.

The 2015 Ford Mustang convertible will be on display from April 16th to the 17th.


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