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Chrysler Uconnect System Review — ABTL Auto Extras

Cherise Threewitt
by Cherise Threewitt
December 13, 2013

Every major auto manufacturer has its own branded infotainment system, and despite some significant differences in the user interfaces, they’re all pretty much the same. After all, it’s just a way of making a car seem more advanced by consolidating a bunch of things that would have once been controlled by buttons and knobs into a single screen. In the general hierarchy of infotainment systems, a color screen is good; a color touchscreen is the best. And these systems are constantly being upgraded, with new hardware, new software, and new apps. Chrysler, and the other vehicle brands owned by Chrysler, is no different. This Autobytel video demonstrates Chrysler’s Uconnect system. The latest version, 8.4, was unveiled in late 2013. The name of the version actually refers to the size of the touchscreen mounted in the cockpit — 8.4 inches. Uconnect controls most of the comfort and electronics systems in a Chrysler vehicle, such as the general climate control, climate controlled seats, audio, and communication systems. One of the most significant aspects of Uconnect 8.4 is that it is customizable, and Chrysler can easily make sure Uconnect is specific to each vehicle that features the system, so that there are no awkward flaws in the user interaction experience. 


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