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Cadillac El Miraj Concept Car Debuts at Pebble Beach

Tuner Tom
by Tuner Tom
August 16, 2013

Cadillac recently introduced a one-off hand crafted concept car called the Elmiraj in Monterey for the 2013 Pebble Beach auto week. The Elmiraj can be described as a bold, simple, and elegant vehicle that is uniquely American. The long sleek shape of this concept car harkens back to the Cadillac’s of years gone by. Two years ago we were amazed when the Cadillac CIEL convertible debuted and now we get to see a coupe version based off the future design direction of Cadillac. This sexy vehicle is the 2nd car in a trilogy of concepts that Cadillac has presented at Pebble Beach. Where the Cadillac CIEL was designed to represent the journey, the Elmiraj reflects a more spirited driving attitude which is where the name comes from. El Mirage is a dry lake bed situated in the Mojave Desert where many high speed runs have taken place over the decades. Think of it as California’s version of the Bonneville Speedway minus the salt. And the Cadillac Elmariaj is more than ready to run with its twin-turbo 4.5 liter V-8 engine.

Niki Smart who is the Exterior Designer at the Advanced Design Studio for GM in Los Angeles tells us: “a lot of the exterior detail you see particularly in terms of the lighting takes advantage of the compact nature that LED lighting affords. The result is a much more sleek and futuristic appearance. This vehicle is really trying to reflect a more spirited attitude relative to the Cadillac CIEL that was shown to the public 2 years ago. The whole weekend at Monterey is really about the automobile, its great history, and the spirit of driving. Pebble beach is a great opportunity to expose this new concept to anyone who is passionate about automobiles not just those in the luxury market.”

“The El Miraj is the second vehicle in a 3-part story which began with the Cadillac CIEL from 2 years ago. The CIEL spotlighted the first of 3 areas we feel represent the luxury market. The CIEL is a 4 seat open top vehicle representing the Journey. The El Miraj is a 4 seat coupe and represents spirited driving and the third vehicle which will debut in the future is called the Arrival and the story of that vehicle will be a more formal luxury sedan. The 3 concept cars will showcase the top tier bandwidth of what Cadillac can do.”


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