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Buying a New Car in Kansas

Benjamin Hunting
by Benjamin Hunting
September 12, 2009

Kansas is a growing state, with more and more people moving into the area every year. This means that a fair number of new residents are also purchasing brand new cars and registering them in the state for the first time. This article explains the details surrounding the Kansas new car registration process, and also sheds some light as to the best cities and areas in the state for finding enough auto dealerships to help make your new car or truck comparison process as easy as possible.

In terms of metropolitan areas, the cities of Wichita and Topeka really stand out when it comes to a good concentration of different new car dealers. Kansas City and its suburbs such as Overland Park and Independence are also diverse car shopping locations. The rest of the state functions like many other rural areas, with a smattering of new car and truck lots spread out across less populous towns like Lawrence and Hutchinson.

In Kansas you are responsible for heading on down to your county treasurer's office and handing in the registration and titling paperwork yourself. You'll also need to provide proof of insurance, proof of payment of the personal property taxes enforced in the state, a sales receipt from the dealer along with an actual bill of sale and a manufacturer's statement of origin that has been signed and notarized.

Registration fees in Kansas are based on the weight of the vehicle you purchased. All cars between 0 and 4,500 lbs cost $30.00 to register, with anything over that maximum topping out at $40.00. Trucks cost between $40.00 and $102.00 to register, with the majority falling into the lower half of that range. A title fee of $10.00 also applies.

Taxes are charged at the rate of 5.3 percent at the state level, and cities and counties can also charge additional sales taxes on top of that rate, with the maximum rate coming in at 8.65 percent. Kansas county property taxes are also due.


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